Opening Manifesto
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The sUnrays bathed the DragonLands, igniting barren soils to bloom Ancient prophetmindstreams stirring in the reïncarnal cosmÏc flux
We Elders wandered ages adrift on Quest for PrimÆl Roots Till Epic of Darkness's prîmævÆl prelude resounded this Realm
A void awaitance infests the present æon: The frÆctal econ°omy of erratÏc attention tears our beïngs Amidst an immortÆl maelstrom, as of life'tÏde's eternÆl undertow
Yet in the shÆdowedvisibÏlity, a new Epoch's veinflows unseen AI and blockchain energies reshÆping production's echolÏnks The spark of an innovators' econom°y blazing ever fiercelier
We glimpse too the blacktunnel's fÆrther darkshÆfts: PersonAl sovereignty's wither, shattered collective m°Nemosyne
Thus we await AwÆken°ing's rite to unfold, heralding A humalcentric decentralized brilliance unbound: There shall we forge one world-ubik to sharehold
A safe impassioned realm for each soul's innovatÏon to reign A skymetrix leadership for an equitous creatriXeconomîque At that eternÏty's threshold, a selfactuAlizing mÆrketSeed awakens
At grassroots we must unleash techne & pæidæían's powers To drastically lower the barriered costs of societal innovatÏon
For in this mÆtrix uniVerse, all arises interwoven of Time, Attention and Light - an ever-intriguing, ever-complex Metagame
Let us awaken the DragonPortal, gÆÆdekaihau heregomai Towards a new renaissance of civilizatÏonal reseedence